Within solo flute & backing version

Within… by Ian Clarke – solo flute and backing track version [C flute with Bft and open holes, piccolo & alto – advanced]
This is solo flute and backing track version of Within… for 7 flutes. It gives the soloist the main melodic lines from the original 7 flutes work. The bass solo is done of the alto to make instrument changes practical and the piece more accessible. A piccolo is also required as is a Bft concert flute with open holes. See the ensemble version for further notes.
The premiere of this work was made in this version by the composer. The backing track parts are played by Ian. The original album version was multi-tracked. This was part of the original creative process.
As with other IC Music publications it has been performed internationally including at major conventions. There an excerpt of the original below and various peoples’ recordings can be found online.
Older editions came with a CD performance backing track as well a full version. New editions come with a download code to download from this site.
Excerpt from Ian’s album ‘Within…’